Welcome to monero.anycolo.net

Please make sure you are on the HTTPS version of this website

Feel free to use our remote XMR Node: http://monero.anycolo.net:18081

You can support us by buying Hosting Services from Anycolo.Net, like a VPS or a dedicated server

Or you can support us directly with a donation to XMR: 8AYahReYbqH19MeqjYDM4zTLati9naEvt73bEe4J6WmjXTfHadRZLNWgiwJUkTuKvRB2fgbe9hvpB2whJesEUEPDTMVJbWA

How to run your own monero node

You will need at least: Download the monero daemon from The Official Monero Website, then run this command:

monerod --confirm-external-bind --max-concurrency 16 --p2p-bind-ip=YOUR.PUBLIC.IP.ADDR --public-node --rpc-restricted-bind-ip=YOUR.PUBLIC.IP.ADDR --rpc-bind-ip=YOUR.PUBLIC.IP.ADDR --enable-dns-blocklist --no-igd --no-zmq --out-peers=4096 --in-peers=4096 --restricted-rpc --limit-rate-up=2000000 --limit-rate-down=2000000 --max-connections-per-ip=24